Welcome To Karate Do Academy!
WINTER Session Registration is OPEN!
If you have any questions or inquiries regarding Karate Lessons, we can be contacted the following ways:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 4:00pm – 7:00pm
E-mail: karatedo.mh@gmail.com
Phone: 403-527-7172
(voicemails left outside of Office Hours will be returned during the above mentioned times)
We are proud to be the leading martial arts school in Medicine Hat for the past 32 years!
We teach a blend of traditional Shotokan karate and modern day practical self defense. Every class focuses on technique and skill development as well as structure, discipline and FUN. Starting at 3 years old we strive to bring the best quality martial arts instruction and a community atmosphere that focuses on family.
We specialize in self-defense training, fitness, and fun for all ages, shapes, and sizes. Through a variety of programs, we aim to teach discipline, respect, friendship, honor and confidence as you reach your personal fitness and martial arts goals.
We pride ourselves on the strong family atmosphere in our dojo. Not only do we enable parents, grandparents, children, siblings, and friends to grow in the martial arts together but also develop positive individual characteristics. Our experienced instructors combine tradition with fun in a safe environment!
Karate-Do Academy is proud to be celebrating its 30th year of teaching martial arts in Medicine Hat and we firmly believe that earning your black belt is only the beginning of our martial arts journey. We strive to lead by example and continue to train and learn from the those who came before us so that we can pass on their knowledge to the next generation.

1. What age can my child start karate and which class will they attend?
Your child can attend classes as young as 3 years old in our Tiny Tigers program. They MUST be three as of the first day of classes for that session. NO EXCEPTIONS. The only other requirement is that they can follow instructions and be respectful in a non-parented class. We typically host a trial class prior to the start of each session where the instructor can assess whether your child is ready to begin martial arts training or if they should wait until they are a bit older and can thrive in the class.
2. What days and times are classes held? Do you have family classes?
This class days and times can be found in the SCHEDULE section of our website. Please note that Tiny Tigers and Little Ninjas are only once a week so if you see multiple dates and times for those programs you must choose which class time you would like your child to attend. You also cannot attend the other class to make up missed classes in your chosen time slot as our numbers are regulated for best instruction and are often full.
Family classes start at ages 7+ which are one hour twice a week. Family classes are a great way to increase quality time spent with siblings, parents, grandparents, etc while learning and having fun. Many of our adults start training because they enroll their children and realize that they have a difficult time helping them practice at home. They then begin taking classes so that they can train, practice and succeed together. These classes are paced for the kids so if you are an adult who wants to take their training to the next level you may wish to join our teen/adult class once you reach the rank of green belt.
3. Does my child have to attend both classes or can they do just one?
Tiny Tigers and Little Ninjas are held once a week. The beginner, intermediate, and advanced family classes are at least twice a week and we encourage you to attend both as you will be missing a large portion of the curriculum only attending once a week. Exceptions will be made to accommodate schedules whenever possible, but it is important to note that if you choose to attend only once per week your progress will be slower than those who attend all classes. Family discounts do NOT apply to those attending part time classes.
4. What is the cost of classes? When and how do we pay? Is there a family rate/discount?
These payments are made at the time of registration for the session in order to hold your spot in the class. These can be made via cash, cheque, debit or credit in our office (located in Back Alley Fitness) or via electronic funds transfer. Please email karatedo.mh@gmail.com for etransfer instructions. Students with outstanding dues will be unable to attend classes until fees are up to date. This includes testing fees.
TINY TIGERS – $115.00 (per 9 -10 week session)
LITTLE NINJAS – $150.00 (per 9-10 week session)
FAMILY CLASS – $275 (per 13-14 week session)
BLACK BELT CLASS – $310 (per 13-14 week session)
For those who want the option to pay monthly the cost is $75 per month via automatic withdrawal on the 1st of every month. This option is only available for classes ages 7+. You must submit a void cheque or bank pre authorization form by the 15th of August for payments starting September 1st and running until June. There will be no pro rating or holds for monthly payments unless due to severe illness or injury and this is up to the discretion of owners and management of Karate-Do Academy.
There is a 20% discount for students who live at the same address and who are in a class that is 60 minutes or longer. Students who attend the Tiny Tigers and Little Ninjas program are not subject to the family discount. However, if you have one student age 7+ and one who is under 7, the older student will receive the 20% OFF family discount.
5. How long do sessions run? Can my child start anytime? Can they try it before they register to see if they like it?
Class run in 7 to 14 week sessions: Sept – Dec, Jan – April, May – June.
They can start at the beginning of any one of these sessions. If they miss the start date they will have to wait until the next session begins so that they are not missing important parts of the curriculum and so that other students learning is not being delayed in order to catch up those who started late.
We DO NOT currently host a trial classes due to the high demand for our programs at registration time however you may come observe any regular scheduled class. Please email our office to arrange a visit.
6. What about uniforms and equipment? What is the cost? When do they need it? Are there any other costs?
Tiny Tigers have no additional uniforms, costs or equipment requirements.
Little Ninjas require the uniform t-shirt and white belt (cost $30) by the end of the first month. We promote them with stripes for different milestones in any subsequent sessions they take. There are no testing costs at this level or other equipment costs until they receive their yellow belt or upgrade to the older classes. There is a testing fee for yellow belt and higher and is required in order to attend belt grading.
Kids ages 7+ must have their uniform and white belt (cost $55) by the end of the first month. Sparring equipment is required by yellow belt level or to participate in our tournaments and includes gloves, boots, helmet, and mouth guard. We do equipment orders multiple times a year so keep an eye out for order forms. Students may purchase their sparring package ($150) earlier to avoid using the communal dojo equipment if they wish. We encourage parents to purchase these bigger ticket items around holidays as they make a great birthday or Christmas gift.
7. My child has issues with aggression/discipline/poor behavior/listening. I am worried that learning martial arts will promote violence and make things worse. Is this activity appropriate for them?
Martial arts is an amazing activity for kids who need structure, discipline, responsibility, respect, and an outlet for extra energy! We promote the use of martial arts as SELF DEFENSE ONLY and the kids are taught from day one that using their skills outside of the dojo is not permitted except to protect themselves or others in bad situations. They must report any incidents to their instructor immediately. If we determine that any of our students are using martial arts either at home/daycare/school to bully and hurt other children they will not be allowed to attend further classes at our facility. This rule is made VERY clear to our students. We often hear from parents that children’s behavior, attention, and attitude improve because of our classes. Many report improved marks in school as well. We want our classes to be fun and we want the children to learn martial arts skills but we also want to develop happy healthy kids who are respectful and hardworking.
8. My child has ADHD, Autism, or any other behavioral/learning condition. Is this activity appropriate for them?
We find that many students with behavioral or learning conditions do very well in martial arts. Our instructors have worked with students with ADHD and children on varying points of the autism spectrum. All kids learn differently and the instructors do their very best to teach in ways that reach all children in their own unique way of learning. We have many different techniques and drills we use to do this. Many find that the structure of the class helps with these conditions and promotes calmness and respect. We have also had parents or an aide in the past who participate in the class with the student and that seems to help with their ability to participate. If you are unsure please contact us to discuss. It will be the instructor that makes the final call on whether the activity is appropriate for each child on a case by case basis but we do everything in our capacity to make it accessible to every single student!